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Taj Mahal | History| Some Interesting Facts | FAQ about Tajmahal


Located on the banks of the Yamuna River in Agra, one of the seven wonders of the world, the Taj Mahal, serves as a symbol of love for Shah Jahan’s wife, Mumtaz Mahal. Shah Jahan had the monument constructed in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal. Also inside the complex is the mausoleum of Shah Jahan. The Taj Mahal, a magnificent white marble structure, was built in the 17th century. Tourists from across the world go to this majestic wonder each year, outnumbering the whole population of Agra!

The UNESCO World Heritage Site known as the Taj Mahal, in Persian, means the Crown of Palaces. An arched entrance flanked by alcoves leads to the tomb, which is set out in a rectangular form. Additionally, there are fountains and water channels at the entryway, which contributes to the monument’s splendor. The Yamuna River mirrors this beautiful scene nearly perfectly!

The 42-acre Taj Mahal was constructed between 1631 and 1648, a period of 17 years. Makrana marble was used to build it.

History of Tajmahal

Shah Jahan, the king of the Mughal Empire, constructed the Taj Mahal in memory of his wife, Mumtaz Mahal, who had passed away while giving birth to their 14th child in 1631. He was very devastated after her death, and it was claimed that his hair went totally grey overnight. The Taj was constructed in 1632. Despite being finished in eight years, the main structure was only one of several that was not finished until 1653. Shah Jahan, who had just finished building the Agra Fort, was later imprisoned there by his son, Aurangzeb. He could only see his marvelous creation from a window, which he would see for the rest of his life. Shah Jahan passed away in 1666, and his body was interred here with that of Mumtaz.

The massive structure employed thousands of workers from India and Central Asia. After traveling from Europe, artisans crafted marble screens and inlay, which is comprised of hundreds of semi-precious stones. UNESCO declared the Taj Mahal a World Heritage Site in 1983. The construction appears exactly the same as it did the day it was finished. A huge repair effort was undertaken on the monument in the early 1900s.

Some Interesting Facts About Taj Mahal

The rumor that the Taj Mahal was once a Shiva temple constructed in the 12th century before being turned into a mausoleum for Mumtaz Mahal is widely known. Purushottam Nagesh Oak is the originator of this idea. He asked the Supreme Court to unseal the subterranean chambers in order to establish his hypothesis, but his motion was denied in 2000. The second level of the Black Taj Mahal was also known. It was widely thought that Shah Jahan intended to construct a black marble replica of the monument on the other side of the river, which began even before he was put in jail by his son Aurangzeb. Many excavations were done in Mehtab Bagh, but no evidence of a structure was discovered.


Here are some interesting facts about the Taj Mahal.

  1. Shah Jahan renamed Arjumand Banu Begum, better known as Mumtaz Mahal, after their marriage. It translates as “Jewel of the Palace” in Persian and is named after Mumtaz Mahal. Even though Shah Jahan had many wives, Mumtaz Mahal was his favorite, and she was always by his side. The death of the mother of 14 children was the result of complications arising during the birth of her final child in 1631.

2. The Taj Mahal changes colors throughout the day. It starts off pinkish in the morning, becomes milky white at night, then becomes golden in the moonlight.

3. There are calligraphic inscriptions of Allah’s ninety-nine names on the tomb of Mumtaz Mahal.

4. To protect the Taj Mahal from bombers in the 20th century, a large bamboo stack was laid on top of it. To shield it from harm, it was disguised with a green cloth during the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971.

5. Ustad Ahmed Lahauri, the lead architect for the Taj Mahal, also built the foundation of the Red Fort. It’s irrational that an architect who lost a limb would be placed in charge by Shah Jahan, who demanded flawless craftsmanship.

6. Taj Mahal is one of the world’s Seven Wonders and is famous across the globe. However, the surprise for you would come from the fact that Shah Jahan intended to construct a black Taj Mahal for himself. After completing the foundation of his own tomb on the opposite side of the river, he was captured by his son Aurangzeb before he could finish the construction.

7. A thousand elephants were used to transport building materials for the Taj Mahal.

View of Tajmahal at full moon night

To see the Taj Mahal at night, you have the option of a full moon night and two days before and after the full moon, plus five evenings in a month. The Archaeological Survey of India establishes the dates and times for the evening viewing of the Taj. Fifty visitors are brought in for 30 minutes each to look at the Taj Mahal at night in groups of eight between 8:30 p.m. and 12:30 a.m. Thus, a maximum of 400 individuals may enter the park each evening.

To see the Taj Mahal at night, tourists must arrive at the Shilpagram complex half an hour early. During nighttime hours, they are not permitted inside the monument, and they are only allowed to view the Taj Mahal from a slight distance. Everything you own and your baggage must be checked in at a security desk before you enter the theatre for the evening performance. Cameras are not permitted in the monument at night.

Tickets for viewing the Taj Mahal at night must be booked 24 hours in advance from the Archeological Survey of India, 22 Mail Road, Agra (Contact no. 0562-2227261, 0562-2227262).

Taj Mahal Garden

The garden, which covers the entire base of the tomb and begins with the entrance, is one of the primary attractions of visiting the Taj Mahal. The Timurid Paradise Garden (better known as the Paradise Garden) was constructed in a Persian style by Babur. The design of this garden includes a number of creative elements, one of which is the use of multiple digits of the number four. This is because the Islamic faith believes that four is the holiest number. The park is split into four sections, two of which include fountains and marble canals, one of which has a beautiful statue and the other has an angel fountain. The garden has a total of 2,400 plants, and each of the 16 flowerbeds has 400 of them. A paradise garden is full of lush trees, chirping birds, fresh fruit, blooming flowers, and an elegant design, and all of these are found in the Taj Garden. A fantastic setting for that ideal photo opportunity, this charming setting is the perfect location.

FAQ about Tajmahal 

What makes the Taj Mahal so unique?

The Taj Mahal seems to be of a distinct color in the morning, afternoon, and evening. In the morning, it is a pale pink color, but in the evening it is a milky white and gold when the moon is out.

When is the Taj Mahal closed?

Every Friday, the Taj Mahal is closed. Only practicing Muslims may enter the mosque on Friday afternoon to attend prayers. See the breathtaking structure’s outside beauty in the Mehtab Bagh, across the river from the Taj Mahal.

When is the Taj Mahal open?

The Taj Mahal is accessible for visitors from sunrise to sunset (6 AM to 6.30 PM). Except on Fridays, the monument is accessible to the public every day. It is exclusively open to Muslims for afternoon prayers on Fridays.

What is the Taj Mahal ticket price?

The Taj Mahal entry fee is INR 45 for Indians, INR 1050 for foreigners or NRIs, and INR 535 for SAARC/BIMSTEC tourists. A Taj Mahal ticket including entry to the Mausoleum costs INR 200 extra.


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